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Our Curriculum
Austin Cheviron
Explore Success and Wealth principles with Austin Cheviron. Find your focus, master finances, and optimize your time for a fulfilling life.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix
Join Chanel Hart D'Aprix for a training experience that redefines the way real estate is performed, unlocking unparalleled success in this industry.

Nate Cheviron
Unleash your leadership potential with Nate Cheviron and redefine team success to ultimately achieve the impact you desire.

This Month's Topic: NAR Settlement
June 7 - Chanel Hart D'Aprix
June 11 - Nate Cheviron
June 18 - Austin Cheviron
w/ Special Guest Leo Perera | CEO, eXp Realty -
June 25 - Community

Current Run Cycle
Learn how to plan a year in advance so people will work around your schedule and not the other way around. Our community members have adopted Cheviron Coaching's Run / Rest schedule and have had impactful results. Feel free to adopt it into your own business.

2024 Training Calendar

We strike the perfect balance between hard work and well-deserved, intentional breaks. We train for 3-4 weeks and then rest 1 week per month (see Calendar below). Rest weeks are ideal for catching up on life outside of business and great for vacations!
By allowing consistent rest periods throughout your year, you will become significantly more productive for your business without sacrificing more time to do it (See Video).
We will teach you how to operate your entire business around this Run / Rest Cycle to ultimately help you make more money and give you back more time. Embrace a happier, healthier routine!
Operate on the Run / Rest Cycle

On Tuesdays at 2:00 PM (EST), experience transformative training, where we come together weekly to elevate our skills and mindset. From Success to Real Estate to Teams, dive into the powerful concepts and principles that pave the way for personal and professional growth.
These dynamic, interactive weekly sessions will transform your business and your life!
Hear from each of our coaches every month as they teach and show you how to navigate challenges of the modern world and walk you through what they do to stay ahead of their competition.
Join Cheviron LiVE today!
Or join our FREE Facebook Community!

What is Cheviron LiVE?
Real Stories Of Growth And Success!
From Our Team To Yours

Meet The Coaches
Explore principle of Success and Wealth with Austin Cheviron. Find your focus, master finances, and optimize your time for a fulfilling life.

Unleash your leadership potential with Nate Cheviron and redefine team success to ultimately achieve the impact you and your team desire.

Upcoming Schedule

This Month's Topic: 2025 Prep (Pt 2)
Dec 3 - 2025 Business Planning (Pt 2)
(Austin Cheviron)
Dec 10 - 2025 Business Planning (Pt 3)
(Austin Cheviron)
Dec 17 - 2024 Reflection
(Nate Cheviron)
Plan your year in advance!
Our community members adopt Cheviron Coaching's Run/Rest schedule as described in Module 9 of the Agent Success Program.
2025 Calendar

Operate on the RUN / REST Cycle
We strike the perfect balance between hard work and well-deserved breaks. We train for 3-4 weeks and then rest the remaining week every month (see Calendar above). Rest weeks are ideal for catching up on life outside of business and great for vacations!
By allowing consistent rest periods throughout your year, you will become significantly more productive for your business without sacrificing more time to do it, and you'll outpace those who don't rest (See Video).
We will teach you how to operate your entire business around this Run/Rest Cycle to ultimately help you make more money and give you back more time. Embrace a happier, healthier routine!

What is CHEViRON LiVE?
On Tuesdays at 2:00 PM (EST), experience transformative training, where we come together weekly to elevate your skills and mindset. From personal success to team leadership, dive into the powerful ideas and principles that pave the way for personal and professional growth.
These dynamic, interactive weekly sessions will transform your business and your life!

Cheviron LiVE is focused to help two types of people: Real Estate Agents and Team Leaders. For the agents, gain the tools needed to bring balance to your work and life. For team leads, get training for your whole team while getting exclusive leadership training.
Join Cheviron LiVE today! Or join our FREE Facebook Community!
Real Stories Of Growth And Success!
(Swipe Left or Right)